Depression and Our Elderly Population


Depression is often thought as a normal part of growing old. The truth is it’s not normal or necessary. This will come as good news for many senior citizens who feel hopeless and struggle to make it through the day. Depression is treatable with the right attitude and strategy. Some people don’t realize they are suffering from depression. Continue reading to learn the signs of depression and how you can live a happier life every day.

Signs of Depression in the Elderly

  • Neglecting personal care such as skipping showers, meals, and medication.
  • Slowed movement and lack of energy or desire to get up.
  • Memory issues such as being forgetful.
  • Slowed speech due to lack of focus and concentration about the topic.
  • Thoughts of suicide.
  • Increased use of alcohol to help you get through the day.
  • Constant worrying of being a burden to others.
  • Feelings of despair or sadness on a daily basis.
  • Aches and pains that are Unexplained.
  • Loss of interest in favorite hobbies.
  • Loss of interest in socializing with friends and family.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Increased weight loss
  • Feeling helpless
  • Feeling hopeless
  • Difficulty sleeping such as staying asleep, falling asleep or sleeping too much.

Common Medical Conditions that Can Cause Depression

  • Lupus
  • Vitamin B12 deficiency
  • Thyroid disorders
  • Diabetes
  • Stroke
  • Cancer
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Dementia
  • Heart disease

How to Live a Happier Life

Learning that you are depressed might come as a shock for some people. It is essential that the elderly learn how to live a happier life to lessen the risk of depression or prevent another depression episode. The following tips will help a depressed individual create a happier life.

  • Reconnect with Friends and Family – Depression can make many people hide from relatives and friends. Begin creating a happier life by reconnecting with your loved ones and favorite friends.
  • Visit the Salon – Elderly women that become depressed often stop going to the beauty salon. Make an appointment at your old salon or try a new one for a fresh beginning. Keeping a regular appointment at a salon will help a person bond with the hair stylist, make new friends and indulge in exciting and fun topics.
  • Start a New Hobby – Hobbies are things that people love to do that bring them joy and happiness. Try a new hobby or focus on an old hobby.

A highly effective way to prevent depression is to socialize every chance possible. Speaking to others and sharing life stories, interesting topics and jokes will keep the might focused and strong. Common places to meet others includes parks, religious establishments, local senior citizen clubs, malls, grocery stores, casinos, bingo and more. The options are actually endless. Get out there and create an extraordinary life for yourself and be happy.