Fun Activities for Senior Citizens


Senior citizens don’t have to stop having fun just because they reach a certain age. They actually can have more fun than they did in their past. While it is true senior citizens might have to take precautions during certain activities to prevent falling or injury, it doesn’t mean they are limited to just playing bingo. Below is a list of fun activities for senior citizens.

  • Play an Instrument – It is always surprising to learn that many senior citizens played an instrument in their past but haven’t touched it for years. The spirit of a musician is always present if you choose to recognize it. So, dust off your piano or favorite instrument and begin making music.
  • Visit Animals – Animals have a healing affect on many people. If you don’t have a pet already, you might consider getting one. You can also become a regular at the local zoo and visit the animals as frequently as you wish. Some zoo’s offer annual or season passes at a discount for senior citizens.
  • Be a Foodie – In case you don’t know what a foodie is, it is a person that loves food. Visit a new restaurant once a month to keep things interesting. Invite friends to join you and make it a taste test experience. Sharing your thoughts about food can lead to many fun conversations and give you access to your friend’s favorite recipes to try too.
  • Go to a Casino – Casino’s are popping up in cities throughout the United States. It’s not just a place to gamble, but they now offer exquisite restaurants, festivities and more. If you are not a person that enjoys gambling you can still go to enjoy the experience. Most casinos are on the same property as movie theaters, horseracing, stores, and bowling alleys.
  • Trace Your Ancestors – Tracing your ancestors is an excellent way to learn more about yourself and provide your children and grandchildren with accurate information. This exciting hobby is gaining popularity due to the easy process. You can search online or even take a DNA test to find out interesting facts and details.

You should never stop finding fun things to do. While it might not be safe for you to go skydiving, you can still find a way to enjoy plenty of other activities that you can do. The fun should never end just because you reach a certain age. Go out and have fun! Don’t forget to invite your friends along on your adventures!